This assessment uses five geometric shapes to represent the five personality types. Once you take this assessment, you get scores on each of your personality shapes. Find out what shape are you.
Using A Personality Shape Assessment
Are you a Triangle? Box? Circle? Squiggle? Or Rectangle?
Each of these 5 SHAPES describes your unique personality-communication style, reflecting your career choices, the way you choose friends, deal with stress, make decisions and communicate with others.
Take the internationally validated shapes assessment to discover your dominant personality shape and also your least used shape. This information will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies.
Take the assessment and see what you can learn about yourself!
This assessment was originally created by Dr. Susan Dellinger, Ph.D., in 1978. This assessment has been throughly tested, validated, and widely used across the world.
PsychoGeometrics®️ has been used by more than 1 million people, in more than 60 countries and in more than 1,000 companies around the world.
Discover your personality shape profile in 10 minutes and develop a better understanding of your personality-communication style and how others might perceive you.
There assessment will covers 3 parts of your personality
Part 1 – Traits
Part 2 – Behavior
Part 3 – Relating to Others
At the end of this assessment you will get your personality shape scores. Remember to read your report fully to gain an understanding of your scores, your strengths and challenges.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Personality Shape Assessment, we invite you to check out this free sample report, that provides an overview of the different sections included in the full report.
The sample report includes a summary of personality shape scores, an analysis of your behaviour patterns, and recommendations for how to leverage your strengths and work on areas for improvement. It’s a great way to get a sense of what our personality assessment can offer.