Working with difficult bosses is a situation many people face at least once in their careers. Quitting your job is not always the answer. When you learn how to handle bosses using shape psychology it becomes super easy! Watch this video for more…
Here is a quick tip to handle a Box boss. when you are dealing with a Box boss, make sure you always meet deadlines, pay attention to details, and don’t ever commit to what you can’t achieve. Also, don’t get emotional in your discussions. Keep things objective and logical. And always have all the facts and information before you talk to them. Do this and watch the magic!
So here are some quick tips on how to handle Triangle bosses using shape psychology. It becomes super easy when you know this! Always go with a solution and not only the problem. They hate victims. Speak fast and get to the point. Triangle bosses are impatient. Don’t beat around the bush. Don’t argue unnecessarily or lose your emotional control. Also, don’t take them personally when they get blunt or too direct. Try this and watch the magic.
Here are some quick tips on how to handle Squiggle bosses using shape psychology. Squiggle bosses are the most fun of all, but also very unstructured. So when you are dealing with a Squiggle boss don’t be too serious. Be open to new ideas and experimenting with things. Be flexible!! Because things keep changing with them. Organize yourself because they are all over the place. Keep things in writing and follow up constantly. Also, don’t build any expectations of what this boss should be, because they never will be! Try this and watch the magic.
Here are some quick tips on how to handle a Circle boss using shape psychology. It becomes super easy when you know this! I feel Circle bosses are the easiest but that could be because I am a Circle myself! With a Circle boss be warm, friendly and sensitive. Build a personal equation with them, of comfort and trust. Don’t argue, or get into conflicts unnecessarily. They are not comfortable in such situations and tend to shut down.
Appreciate them and acknowledge their efforts. Don’t lie or ever try to manipulate them! So try these tips with your difficult bosses and watch the magic!
Are you a Triangle? Box? Circle? Squiggle? Or Rectangle? If this has piqued your interest and you’re looking for more, you can discover your own Personality Shape Profile using our shape assessment. This assessment uses 5 geometric shapes to represent the 5 personality types. Each of these 5 SHAPES describes your unique personality-communication style, reflecting your career choices, the way you choose friends, deal with stress, make decisions and communicate with others.
Take the internationally validated shapes assessment to discover your dominant personality shape and also your least-used shape. This information will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies.
Take the assessment and see what you can learn about yourself!
For a deeper delve into the subject, you can also take the ‘What Share Are You?’ online workshop. This workshop enables you to go deeper in your understanding of psychological types using ‘shape psychology’ and discover how to communicate with them despite differences.
You can take the online masterclass here