The book ‘What Shape Are You?’ is designed to give its readers an amazing system to understand themselves and others – their needs, communication styles, triggers – and also learn skills to communicate with them effectively.
There have been moments in my life when I have really struggled to deal with some people whom I just couldn’t get along with. There were a lot of triggers and explosive moments in our interactions, which left me feeling agitated and drained.
Since some of them were a part of my inner circle I couldn’t even avoid interacting with them.
I would try to ‘explain’, ‘persuade’, ‘change’ or ‘fix’ people around me, with the intention of improving the relationship, and most often failed miserably.
I noticed that while I was having challenges with these people, not everyone else found them difficult. There were other people who found it easy to be with them and shared a close bond.That really got me thinking. ‘Who am I? Why do people behave the way they do? What is the source of conflicts?’ are the questions I starting asking myself.
Over a decade I studied a lot about people and personalities. Initially it was with the intention of improving my relationships and making my life easier. I wanted to stop reacting and getting emotionally affected by differences. But this was just the tip of the iceberg.
Soon the realisation dawned on me that most people I meet in this lifetime are going to be different from me, and if I don’t have the understanding and the skills to deal with people and differences, I would not be able to live my best life. I recognised that the more we understand ourselves and people around us, the easier it gets.
Here is an important fact – we cannot change anyone else and only person we will ever have control over is ourselves. This is one of the most powerful lesson we need to learn, in order to make our relationships easy and meaningful.
The book ‘What Shape Are You?’ based on Psycho-Geometrics®, has been written with the intention of helping my readers live an easier life! It’s that simple.I hope that through this book ‘What Shape Are You?’, you discover yourself and also recognise why differences exist. This book has the potential to completely transform your life, because it has changed mine.
The goal of my book ‘What Shape Are You?’ is to help you, my readers, to get to root of the matter, understand yourself and understand how different personalities function in the world around you. And in this understanding, one can find most of the answers, to even seemingly complex human issues.
And I promise you that the journey is enjoyable. You just need to be willing.
This assessment uses five geometric shapes to represent the five personality types. Once you take this assessment, you get scores on each of your personality shapes. Find out what shape are you.
The sooner you become conscious of your strengths, weaknesses, needs, fears, desires, and most importantly what makes you come alive, the faster you will grow in life.
Psycho-Geometrics® has been shared and used by more than 1 million people in more than 60 countries, and in more than 1,000 corporations around the world.
This workshop enables you to go deeper in your understanding of psychological types using ‘shape psychology’ and discover how to communicate with them despite differences.
These free downloads will help you find more information on personality ‘shapes’. I have developed these tools to help you lead a simpler, happier and more aware life.