My book ‘What Shape Are You?’ has created a storm with its unique tool called Psycho-Geometrics….watch this video and read on for lots more on how to deal with the difficult people in your life…
Have you ever felt annoyed, frustrated, or confused by someone’s behaviour, or felt that you are surrounded by difficult people? It could be your boss, colleagues, friends or people from your inner circle like your sibling, spouse, parent or in-laws. Have you found yourself wondering “I don’t understand why he (or she) is behaving like that?” Or, “I don’t agree with that kind of behaviour.”
If your answer is yes, which it is for most people, you’re not alone. A lot of us wonder why people are the way they are but have no clear answers. And, this is what my book ‘What Shape Are you?’ answers for you.
This book talks about personality types in life, at work, in marriage, as a parent, and how your personality shows up when you are stressed. This book helps you understand your personality and that of others using 5 shapes. It’s fun, practical, and very easy to understand. It will completely change the way you look at yourself and the people around you.
Are you a Triangle? Box? Circle? Squiggle? Or Rectangle? If this has piqued your interest and you’re looking for more, you can discover your own Personality Shape Profile using our shape assessment. This assessment uses 5 geometric shapes to represent the 5 personality types. Each of these 5 SHAPES describes your unique personality-communication style, reflecting your career choices, the way you choose friends, deal with stress, make decisions and communicate with others.
Take the internationally validated shapes assessment to discover your dominant personality shape and also your least-used shape. This information will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies.
Take the assessment and see what you can learn about yourself!
For a deeper delve into the subject, you can also take the ‘What Share Are You?’ online workshop. This workshop enables you to go deeper in your understanding of psychological types using ‘shape psychology’ and discover how to communicate with them despite differences.
You can take the online masterclass here