Every personality type has its own strengths and weaknesses, and its own personal growth areas. While making the maximum use of our strengths is one superpower, we also have great potential for growth. Watch this video for some great growth tips for each of the 5 shapes…
Three growth tips for The Box personality
Allow yourself to make a few mistakes. It’s okay to not be perfect!
Be more spontaneous and enjoy life.
Be a little less finicky about your standard and the way things are done.
Three growth tips for The Triangle personality
Learn to listen without interrupting.
Don’t impose your views and opinions on others.
Be mindful of the way your words and actions can affect others. Be a little gentle.
Three growth tips for The Circle personality
Learn how to say NO and mean it. Remember boundaries are important.
Worry less about people’s approval. Everyone doesn’t have to like you.
Ask for what you want without feeling guilty.
Three growth tips for The Squiggle personality
Don’t overindulge or live life in extremes. A bit of balance is important.
Slow down..what’s the rush. Be a bit more patient.
Be grateful for what you have instead of focusing on what you want.
Three growth tips for The Rectangle personality
Avoid making any hasty or impulsive decisions when you are in this phase.
Live in the present moment instead of the past or the future.
Remember that this too shall pass and you will come out stronger. So keep going forward one step at a time.
Keep these tips in mind for all your personal growth areas based on your personality types, and watch the magic!
Are you a Triangle? Box? Circle? Squiggle? Or Rectangle? If this has piqued your interest and you’re looking for more, you can discover your own Personality Shape Profile using our shape assessment. This assessment uses 5 geometric shapes to represent the 5 personality types. Each of these 5 SHAPES describes your unique personality-communication style, reflecting your career choices, the way you choose friends, deal with stress, make decisions and communicate with others.
Take the internationally validated shapes assessment to discover your dominant personality shape and also your least-used shape. This information will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies.
Take the assessment and see what you can learn about yourself!
For a deeper delve into the subject, you can also take the ‘What Share Are You?’ online workshop. This workshop enables you to go deeper in your understanding of psychological types using ‘shape psychology’ and discover how to communicate with them despite differences.
You can take the online masterclass here